The Jackpot Machines(Mechanical) circa 1930s-1960
First and foremost, buying reproduction or refurbished sets that have all or certain parts replaced will result in a reduction in value. As with all highly prized items, fakes or replicas created by scam artists to dupe people into paying good money for something supposedly FAKE. By and large the ordinary honest hardworking citizen would not bat an eyelid into buying something FAKE if he/she could not discern the authenticity of the product. If only they knew.. if only..
You never know whether under the hood of this majestic beauty whether concealed underneath is a rotten pile of junk.
This is truly genuine though..
First thing to notice is to pop the hood and look for the hard steel panels that guards the 2 sides of the One-Arm-Bandit. If it lacks even these.. you're bound to notice.
The next thing to notice would be there should be 2
horizontal bars on the escalator not merely 1. Fake tend to cut cost on these.
A real one should look
somewhat like this
Both steel side panels
and horizontal bars are there. Despite its new looks.. don’t be fooled, its all
original. Just that the restorer did a too damn good job.
coin tray is so TINY!
original coin tray is much wider and the chrome piece wraps all the way around
the front of the machine.